Sooyeon Go

I am currently pursuing a PhD degree in Artificial Intellifence at Yonsei University, advised by Prof. Youngjung Uh.

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I'm interested in generative models including Diffusion, Generative Adversarial Network(GAN), 3D, etc.

Eye-for-an-eye: Appearance Transfer with Semantic Correspondence in Diffusion Models
Sooyeon Go, Kyungmook Choi, Minjung Shi, Youngjung Uh
arXiv, 2024
project page / arXiv
Semantic Image Synthesis with Unconditional Generator
Jungwoo Chae*, Hyunin Cho*, Sooyeon Go, Kyungmook Choi, Youngjung Uh
NeurIPS, 2024
project page / arXiv
Distracted Driver Detection and Characteristic Area Localization by Combining CAM-Based Hierarchical and Horizontal Classification Models
Sooyeon Go, Yeongwoo Choi
KIPS, 2021
Expanded Object Localization Learning Data Generation Using CAM and Selective Search and Its Retraining to Improve WSOL Performance
Sooyeon Go, Yeongwoo Choi
KIPS, 2021

I borrow the website template from source code.